Saturday, July 3, 2010

Long Run - 1:00 East Beach to Danielson and Back

I have raised $540 of my $1950 goal. Please support me and Donate Today!

Time: 7:00am, approx 50 minutes
Meal: Two Brown Rice Cakes with peanut butter.
Distance: About 5 miles

(sorry, forgot to wear my Garmin...somehow).

Ugh, still not feeling it. Seriously, stress, no sleep, no exercise...all work and no play make J.J. go CRAZY! My body is just having a difficult time...its amazing how much more aware of the physical toll that stress takes on my body when I am training for an event like this. A real motivator to treat myself much better...I felt so great 2 weeks ago!

I'll normalize, I know I will. I just have to take it easy on my body so I don't get sick on top of it all. I am at least glad the run this morning was good and short, and I've had a pretty productive and alive day.

Next week is a new one. July is the new April...

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