Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Coached Training, Leadbetter Beach

I have raised $1060 of my $1950 goal. Please support me and Donate Today!

Time: 6:00pm, approx 25 minutes
Distance: 2.75 Miles
Meal: Handful of nuts and dried fruit on my way to the beach

They mellowed things out tonight to compensate for Saturday's long run. Just some speed work, which consisted of running 200 meters at about 75% max pace and focusing on short and quick strides.

I learned that, with speed work, the optimal number of steps is 180 in any given minute. As a group we counted steps, and the first time I was right at 180. The second time I was a bit faster, around 195. Coach Neal even mentioned to me that I might be over doing it, but could tell that it would get more natural with a bit more practice.

I had to cut it short tonight since I had dinner plans with my friend Ken. Oh happy Santa Barbara summer!!

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