Thursday, May 3, 2007

Run - Home to Calle Ceasar Chaves and Back

Time: 8:30pm, approx.1 hour
  • Stretch
  • Warm-up (walk for 15 minutes)
  • Stretch
  • Run (30 minutes)
  • Stretch
Meal: Pizza (ugh...bad idea) @ 7:30pm

I was in to see Dr. Nicole this morning, and she gave me the go ahead to try and run today. I was pumped to do it, until I had to work late and was utterly exhausted. It is SO HARD to push myself to run at night, especially when it is this late! Although it was slightly torturous, in hindsight I'm proud that I stuck to my plan of action and rode it out despite my hesitations.

Warming up is going to be essential for any practice from this point forward. Just taking the time to walk 15 minutes, I could tell a huge difference in my muscle fatigue. Even walking sends pain shooting down my legs, specifically in the adductors and (of course) my calf. But, after the warm up and a quick stretch, I felt pretty confident in my stride and my pace for the 30-minutes of running. My muscles were tight at the end of the run, but I think some of this may be attributed to the cooler weather this late in the evening. These little triumphs help my morale tremendously.

On a different note: The Santa Barbara Pier area is a little scary at 9:30 at night. The bike path isn't lit and it gets damn dark (especially near the Chase Palm Park soccer fields). I hope I don't do too much running this late, but in case I have to again my mental note is to stick to the streets where there is light. :-)

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