Saturday, May 12, 2007

Long Run - Leadbetter to Crane School, Rinse and Repeat for 19.5 Miles

Time: 7:15am, approx. 3 hours, 15 minutes (pre-run warm up: walk for 15 minutes)
Meal: 1/3 serving Myoplex shake blended in 8 oz. or rice milk@ 6:30am. EAS Catapult Pre-Race Energy Fuel @ 7:05am, 4 Chocolate Hammergels @ :40, 1:20, 2:05, 2:45
Distance: Approx. 19.5 miles (View Map)

I was so nervous about today's run, especially because a couple of weeks ago I had to cut the run short after only about 2 hours due to injury. I am thrilled to announce that I not only completed all 3 hours and 15 minutes of this run (actually, add a few more minutes for reasons I'll explain later), and that I averaged close to a 10 minute mile pace throughout the practice (around 10:09). That 10 minute mile pace, by the way, includes 2 bathroom breaks at 3 minutes each...if nature didn't call I would have easily landed below 10 minutes per mile. My only complaint is that my muscles tightened up rather suddenly for the last 2 miles, slowing me down to what I'm guessing to be an 11 minute mile or slower pace. But, taking that into consideration, my pace would have been even faster had I been able to keep the fatigue at bay! Okay, that's taking a bit much into consideration...but either way I feel pretty great about that accomplishment, considering that my long runs in the past have been somewhere in the 11 minute-mile range.

I felt really great for the majority of the run. Still working on focus, I left my iPod at home and continued working on my mantra and body awareness. After Tuesday's track training, I had preemptively made the decision to push myself harder during this run. It's too bad there aren't any mile markers during the practice or that I don't have one of those GPS systems that can track your pace - all I have is my best estimate that I likely started out at around a 9-minute mile, got slightly faster over the course of the next 6-8 miles, probably slowed again slightly after about 12 miles, then slowed dramatically at about 17 miles when my muscles began to literally give up. That was my only discouragement - that at 2 hours, 45 minutes weakness really began to take over my legs. I tried not to think about it, but couldn't help but think about how the marathon will be approximately 2 hours longer than that. I won't hang on that detail for too long...I still have 3 weeks of training and strengthening before the marathon!

I began to feel the inevitable sensation of wanting to quit about half way through the practice. At this point, I checked in with my body to see where that urge was coming from. Were my legs tired? No. Did I have any physical pain anywhere? Not that I could tell. Was I tired, or feeling overexerted? Quite the contrary. Finally I realized the problem was in my head...plain and simple, I was bored. When I thought about it, it made perfect sense. I do tend to bore easily during many redundant activities. So, what do I do to stimulate my brain, or at least distract it from this boredom. I thought the mantra would work here...maybe it did slightly, but I never did find a good solution throughout the practice. I think it may lie in discipline and better focus...practice makes perfect I guess.

I tried a few mantras during practice:
This is my run forever pace
No pain
I run so others may live
I will finish this practice
Probably my only purpose for switching them up was to alleviate the monotany and boredom. During the last two, difficult miles, I kept wishing had something to help keep my mind off the muscle weakness. Someone after practice offered up this one "pain is weakness leaving the body"...I'll totally have to use that next time!

All in all, I'm pleased. These next 3 weeks will be really important to make sure I'm stretching, foam-rolling, training according to schedule, and practicing the flexibility and strength exercises Doug gave me. He also gave me a DVD on running mechanics that I will watch this weekend...I'm taking all the help and information I can get!!

Oh...and by the way - I have pretty much met my fundraising goal! I'm officially $160 from goal, but have had several promises for next week that will bring me above the $2400 mark. By Friday, the Santa Barbara Team in Training Chapter will have raised over $200,000 for this event!

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