Monday, May 28, 2007

Run - Home to Calle Ceasar Chaves and Back

Time: 11:00am, approx. 30 minutes

Meal: ProVantage Protein Shake (1 scoop blended in 8oz. of rice milk) @ 5:45pm.

Distance: Approx. 3 miles

After a successful run on Saturday (and by successful I mean I could actually run without much pain at a decent pace), I have to admit I was a bit surprised by the shock of pain from my right hip and knee when I landed my first stride out. I stretched for a good 10-15 minutes and out the gate I was limping down the could say I was off to a bad start. was short lived :-). I remembered the stretching, but my newfound appreciation of the warm up somehow slipped my mind for this run. It only took about 5 minutes until I was feeling normal again, able to run with smooth strides and without too much pain. In the past couple of weeks, warm up has taken me up to 20-30 minutes, so this 5-minute window was a great sign.

I felt good, though I am taking it easy. I didn't push myself too hard, I actually held myself back a bit. I want to keep this week at a light jog so as to not screw anything up before the marathon on Sunday.

I have to admit - the past couple weeks I have been really nervous about the marathon. I'm feeling more and more confident every day that I can do this thing, and I'm really looking forward to it. (Not looking forward to waking up at 4am, however...)

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