Saturday, April 21, 2007

Santa Barbara 10-Miler

Time: 7am, Warm up with team. Race at 8pm - Race time 1:38:59
Meal: ProVantage Protein Shake (1 scoop blended with 3 strawberries in 8oz. of rice milk) at 6:45am. EAS "Endurathon" During Race Energy drink at 7:30am, Orange Hammergel @ 40 minutes into race, Rasberry Hammergel @ 1 hour, 20 minutes.

I was worried about taking the week off from training because of that nasty cold and was really nervous before the race. I won't say the day was easy, but I am certainly pleased with my results. I finished in 389th place (whoo-hoo!), and 71/88 in my age group. To be fair, the age group is 19-29 and I'm on the teetering tale end of that group so I dont feel too bad about my place. Actually, given the fact that I'm not naturally athletic and this was my very first race, I'm just pleased that I finished and came in at under a 10-minute mile average (9:54/mile). That's faster than my pace for the past several long runs!

I still didn't feel 100%. I tried to stick around for the rest of the team to finish but at some point I realized it was time to get off my feet, out of the sun, and home to take a quick nap to recooperate. I've managed to take it good and easy - anything not to disturb this cold again!

My left knee still had some discomfort but I really feel like the pigeon pose stretches (a yoga stretch) and the foam rolling is paying off. Once I'm warmed up I seem to totally forget about it. But, as I'm learning that if it isn't one thing it's another, my newest injury seems to be popping up in my foot on the outside of my arch and also on my achilles. I started to experience some sharp, spasming pain in my foot at about mile 8 but was able to suck it up 'till the end. After passing the finish line I booked it to the bathroom, but by the time I got there I was completely limping and could only put pressure on the ball of my left foot.

The problem in my foot doesn't surprise me. If you'll remember, the people at Santa Barbara Running videotaped the way my feet hit the ground when I run and I clearly land on the outside of my left foot (called Supination). The more I run, the more I can even notice this visually as I look down on my feet. The people at SB Running said that there wasn't much I can do about it, that it's "just the way I naturally run" but I do find myself trying to compensate for it. If it becomes too much of an issue maybe I'll try orthotics in my running shoes.

Anyway, it was a successful race. I am so proud to be a part of such a great team and feeling great about my progress as a runner!

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