Saturday, July 17, 2010

Long Run, La Mesa Park to (almost) Biltmore

I have raised $915 of my $1950 goal. Please support me and Donate Today!

Time: 7:00pm, approx 1 hour, 35 minutes
Distance: Approx. 10.25 miles
Meal: 2 Brown Rice Cakes with Peanut Butter & a cup of coffee

I have not been sleeping, and Thursday night was the worst with probably only about 3 hours of sleep. I was completely wrecked yesterday and didn't get anything I was very, very nervous about this morning's run.

I am continuing to amaze myself, however, with the amount of energy and strength I am able to muster up in my training. I got a halfway decent night's sleep (still woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep), yet I managed to run a consistent pace and come back even stronger than I'd left. Even after 10+ miles of running my legs are not burning or tired or feeling any real residual effects. I feel like the bionic woman!

It was a beautiful of my favorites. We start at the top of La Mesa Park and follow the coastline the entire time. On such a beautiful morning its impossible to run this trek without feeling overwhelmingly blessed!

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