Saturday, April 28, 2007

Long Run - Leadbetter to Crane School and Back

Time: 7:00pm, run for 2 hours, 10 minutes, walk for 30 minutes
Meal: ProVantage Protein Shake (1 scoop blended with 1/2 a banana & 2 strawberries in 8oz. of rice milk) @ 6:30am. 8 oz. Cytomax at 6:55am. Vanilla Hammer Gel @ 40 minutes, Tropical Hammer Gel @ 1 hour, 20 minutes, Chocolate Hammer Gel at 2 hours
Distance: Approx. 13 miles (View Map)

I've been dreading writing this entry because I wish I could write something triumphant about this practice. For anyone who knows me, you know that I'm very persistent in the commitments that I make and that I'd rather die than admit defeat. This was supposed to be a 3 hour run and after 2 hours and 10 minutes I had to throw in the towel and walk the rest of the way. You have no idea what a disappointment this was to me, I really wanted to cross that 3 hour milestone! But, as friends have pointed out, I did run for 2 hours and 20 minutes...which is still incredible in and of itself.

So, why did I have to throw in the towel you ask? If you'll remember from last weekend's 10-miler race, I started experiencing some sharp pain in my left foot at about mile 8. I was able to manage sucking it up for the remaining two miles, but I walked from the finish line about 125 yards to the bathroom and, by the time I got there, I could hardly put any weight on that left foot. I took it easy for about a day and a half - trying not to walk on it and riding my bike instead of running. By Monday night I was running again, but was still aware of some mild discomfort. "Mildly Uncomfortable" is how I would describe the sensation in my left foot during my run on Tuesday and also during the (more intense but ultimately successful) track training on Wednesday.

This morning, at only 15 minutes into the run, I must have landed on it just right (or, in this case, just wrong) because that sharp pulse of pain came back with a vengeance on the bottom outside of my left foot. I had to stop for a moment to let it pass, but when I tried going again the pain came back on that stride relentlessly. Not wanting to give up, I found a stride that was comfortable and didn't disturb that part of my foot. I pressed on for 2 more hours, putting weight/landing on only the ball of my left foot...essentially limping as I ran. I stopped at a water stop at about 1:50, where Lucas (one of the ever-so-patient coaches) noticed my limping. His suggestion was to take it super easy and to, in fact, not complete the full 3 hours of the practice. I put up a small fight, insisting that I could do it, but he kindly reminded me that one day of defeat is worth avoiding any long term damage that could pull me out of the game for further practices or, worse, the final marathon. At that point, I only had about 3 1/2 miles to get back to my truck and a compromisable stopping point. Unfortunately, I made it only about a mile before my foot completely gave in. I ended up hobbling sheepishly the final 2 miles, passing up the offer from everyone passing me by to send someone back to pick me up. Maybe I couldn't run that final stretch, but I certainly wasn't going to get driven back!

I can barely put any pressure on my left foot - I am icing it and taking it easy. There is some extreme tightness in my left calf, most likely from overcompensating and landing on the ball of my foot. The good news is that I already had an appointment scheduled with the Orthopedic doctor on Monday for the problems I had been having with my knees aren't even bothering me anymore so hopefully he'll be willing to take a look at my poor left foot.

I think I'm going to have to take it easy until I can get a doctor to look at it and give me the O.K. to keep training. I really, really, really, hate to admit that but it's where I am at. But I'm trying to stay optimistic about the whole thing...hopefully the pain is just linked to some tight muscle and can be resolved with a new stretch (as was the case with my knees). I guess I'll know more Monday.

Ahhh...the woes! Anyway, I'll keep you posted...

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